Dr. Annalisa Alvrus
Program Director
Office: SC 14
Email: [email protected]
The contribution women have made to society is immeasurable. Understanding women’s history, experiences, and perspectives is critical to understanding who we are as a people today. For the scholar and professional dedicated to exploring these topics, there’s the Women’s Studies program at MCC.
Women’s studies, an intensive interdisciplinary cultural science, challenges students to write well, think critically, and analyze women’s issues effectively. Discussed and critiqued are the historical and contemporary theories and practices of feminism. The discipline also considers non-binary and non-traditional gender expressions and identities. Students examine women’s experiences and perspectives, exploring topics such as history, culture, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender in order to help bring about equality, understanding, and peace. Our Ethnic Studies program reinforces our Women's Studies program by allowing students the opportunity to understand the intersectionality of statuses such as gender and race/ethnicity.
NOTE: The HUM209 class offered in the Maricopa District transfers as a WST elective. If you plan to major or minor in Women & Gender Studies, we encourage you to take the WST209 class, to insure that you receive the WST theoretical perspective.