Mona Figueroa Scott
Program Director
Office: SC 14
Email: [email protected]
Sociology offers a unique perspective of the world. It uncovers explanations for 'why people do what they do'.
Much like a marketing director seeks to understand why different groups of people purchase certain products, sociologists are driven to uncover the hidden social fabric of our everyday lives.
Sociology examines issues of race, gender, age, occupation, religion, family, and all other characteristics of human beings. There's no limit to human collective behavior that can't be studied by sociology students and researchers. How well do you know people?
Sociologist Ralph Lintonstated " that the last thing a fish would notice would be water".
Come find out what you've been missing in the world around you!
Careers in Sociology
Undergraduate training in Sociology can head you toward Law School, Business School, Social Work programs, or further training in many of the Humanities / Social Sciences (e.g., Criminal Justice, Sociology, Political Science, History, Economics).
You could, for instance, earn a Master's or Doctorate in Sociology and then either teach college (medium pay, great fun), work for a research firm (high pay, lots of statistics), or consult for businesses and other organizations (high pay in corporate world, but more fun and medium pay among nonprofits).
Sociologists with Bachelors degrees can go on to become city planners, lawyers, politicians, social workers, human resource managers, policy analysts, community developers, criminologists, forensic psychologists, census takers, therapists, journalists, school teachers, public relations managers, and sometimes wildly overpaid actors. Many of these jobs require no graduate training.