Social Work

Shakira Pipher

Program Director
Office: SC 14
Email: [email protected]

Social work is a profession that strives to enhance the social functioning of all people and promotes the development of environmental conditions that will help people achieve their maximum potential.

Do you want to be in a profession in which you have transferable skills, and the ability to find work in a wide variety of different employment fields? Social Work may be the field for you.

Have you always been the person your friends turn to for help or just to talk? Many people, like you, who have experienced this, have chosen to make helping others their life’s work. Some even consider it their calling. A career in social work is how they do it.

Social work is a profession dedicated to enhancing the social functioning of all people. Generally speaking, social work promotes the development of environmental conditions that will help people achieve their maximum potential. Specifically, social work may take many forms; psychological services, child protection, government planning and policymaking, and much, much more.

Career Opportunities

Employment opportunities for persons with a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW) include case management services with diverse populations, such as people with behavioral health disorders including addictions and eating disorders; individuals with developmental, health, educational and physical disabilities; the elderly; abused children and adolescents; survivors and victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse; the terminally ill; the poor, and the homeless.

A wide selection of jobs are available to professional social workers-those with a BSW or master's in social work (MSW)-in residential treatment, family counseling, private practice, school social work, hospital social work, managed care, research, community organizing, human resource divisions in government and private industry, advocacy and lobbying, gerontology, administration of human service programs and agencies, and the criminal justice system. Social workers can continue their university education beyond a master's degree to a doctoral degree, which can be either a DSW or PhD.

Additional Information

For more information on the MCC Social Work Program check out the Facebook by clicking on the link here: