Interested in becoming a Wildcat? With over 300 undergraduate degrees, UA offers you many choices of possible degrees. All you have to decide is which one you want to pursue. The Pathway programs and Bridge Program help you save money by starting your classes at MCC, then transferring your credits toward a bachelor’s degree at UA. Learn more about your transfer options!
Connect with an UA Representative
Have questions? Make an appointment to speak with your UA Transfer Representative. Your Transfer Representative is an UA transfer expert who works helping MCC students transfer. You can ask them about anything - what classes to take, where to live at UA, and how to go about getting financial aid. They are here to make your transfer experience easy and pleasant; make an appointment today!
Debrina Wright
Transfer Admissions Counselor
Tucson Main Campus
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 602-827-3640
Appointment Calendar:
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Transfer Guides
Scholarships and Deadlines
View UA Scholarships
Worried about the cost of college? We know it’s expensive. By starting your degree at MCC you’ve already decreased the cost of your degree. Further, decrease your student loans by applying for scholarships. When you submit your UA application, you are also automatically applying for scholarships. These are some of the scholarships you may qualify for as a transfer student:
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
The PTK Scholarship is available to students who are transferring to UA, are PTK members, have a minimum 3.5 Transfer GPA, and have a minimum of 36 transfer credits.
Transfer Tuition Scholarship
The Transfer Tuition Scholarship is available to students who are transferring to UA, have a minimum 3.0 Transfer GPA, and have a minimum of 36 transfer credits.
You can view the full terms and conditions of our transfer scholarships here: