Tapping the Potential of All, Undergraduate Research at MCC, Asmita Kane Budruk
Published Monday, November 24, 2014MCC chemistry professor Asmita Kane Budruk wrote chapter 4, "Undergraduate Research at MCC" in the annual Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR) publication. Full publication Chapter 4 only: Undergrad Research at MCC, Asmita Kane Budruk.pdf
FlagFriends Coordinators Joan and Stan Alf Retiring
Published Friday, November 21, 2014Ten years ago, a retired couple, Joan and Stan Alf, started FlagFriends (Flagstaff International Friendship Program) to give international students at NAU a chance to learn more about American culture and interact with American families. Joan had been running a similar program at Arizona State University, and Stan had a lot of contacts with international students while working at Mesa Community College. FlagFriends coordinators Joan and Stan Alf retiring.pdf
Finding a Mentor and Being One
Published Thursday, November 20, 2014MCC Alum William Brickhouse is mentor to students. 20141119150803669.pdf 20141119150914934.pdf
Paid PD Opportunity for AZ Teachers
Published Wednesday, November 19, 2014Article on AZ SCITECH website: "If you're interested in helping students build 21st century workforce skills, understand and analyze data, and engage in authentic projects that provide marketable job skills, then apply for the Geospatial Connections Promoting Advancement to Careers and Higher Education (GEOCACHE), Cohort 2." AZSciTech.pdf
Community College Students Pack Lunches for Students
Published Wednesday, November 19, 2014Honors students at Mesa Community College gathered Oct. 26 to make sandwiches, write inspirational notes and draw on lunch bags for the homeless. mesa_independent_cmes20141119_9.pdf
Sonoran Artist, Former MCC Teacher
Published Wednesday, November 19, 2014Former MCC art teacher, Susan Canasi, will have her sculptures in a studio show this month. mesa_independent_cmes20141119_1.pdf mesa_independent_cmes20141119_2.pdf
New Home for Endangered Pupfish
Published Wednesday, November 19, 2014An outdoor-laboratory cienega for Mesa Community College at Red Mountain now has 307 endangered native desert pupfish in a refuge pond. mesa_independent_20141119_A01.pdf mesa_independent_20141119_A04.pdf
Coverage of Unique Grad-Level Research Conducted at MCC
Published Tuesday, November 18, 2014Through a unique and intensive summer research experience, a group of six MCC students may have discovered beneficial new uses of essential oils derived from naturally occurring Sonoran Desert plants. KEYC-TV: Unique Graduate-Level Research KEYC - Mankato News.pdf PR Web: Unique Graduate-Level Research Conducted.pdf KWQC: Unique Graduate-Level Research Conducted 2.pdf ETVFutures.com (scroll down): Unique Graduate-Level Research Conducted _ etvfutures.pdf
Renewing Higher Education's Mission of Democracy
Published Monday, November 17, 2014While the Truman Commission stated that educating for democracy "should come first ... among the principal goals for higher education," today, society asks colleges and universities to prepare individuals for jobs in a cost-effective and accessible way. The White House Domestic Policy Council recently asked Tufts University's Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service to explore this challenge through aNational Summit on Civic Learning and National Service. Participants...
MCC's 'Hairspray' Has Firm Hold on Quality Theatre
Published Monday, November 17, 2014(MCC) decided on the musical Hairspray to debut its spanking new Performing Arts Center last night. What a choice! Examiner's sneak peek tour last night of backstage dressing rooms while the cast and director got gussied up for opening night was a treat, followed by a performance that was even sweeter. MCC's 'Hairspray' has firm hold on quality theatre.pdf