SEVIS is a database that contains all information relating to F-1 and J-1 students in the United States. This database is shared by embassies, schools, and airports. Not only does this system keep track of who is in the country as a foreign student but also makes sure that they maintain their status. The fee that you pay is a way in which SEVIS can stay up to date.

NOTE: You do not have to pay for dependents seeking an F-2 visa or status.

If you mistakenly submitted the wrong information and paid for the SEVIS fee, please e-mail [email protected] and let them know what information needs to be corrected. You do not need to pay for the fee again.

How to pay for the SEVIS fee?

  1. Pre-requisites

    You will first need to be admitted as an F-1 student here at MCC and receive an I-20 issued by us. All issued I-20s contain a SEVIS number. You will use this number to get a visa after you have paid the fee.

  2. Fill out the I-901 form

    Once you have received your I-20, please visit this page and click on the button that says “Pay I-901 Fee”.

    You will be greeted by a window that asks for some personal details as well as the SEVIS number (the first entry).

    After this screen, you can then pay for the SEVIS fee. You have the option of paying using credit card. If that is the case, you will have to submit your credit card information. Alternatively you can pay through Western Union. Please visit this site for instructions on how to do so.

  3. Print/Keep your receipt

    Once you have finished your payment, please keep the receipt. Your embassy will request this from you whenever you go for your visa appointment.

Other Resources

A step-by-step tutorial showing how to pay for the I-901 SEVIS fee

Email [email protected] if you have other questions regarding this fee.