Interpreter Guidelines

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Welcome to Maricopa Community Colleges

We value professionalism. We are fully invested in accommodating the needs of our Deaf and hard of hearing students to help them succeed in the post-secondary education setting. These guidelines are meant to clarify the roles and responsibilities of a college educational interpreter employed by the Maricopa Community College District. The Interpreter’s primary function is to facilitate communication between the students, staff and faculty of the Maricopa Community Colleges, and provide cultural and linguistic mediation. Working as a MCCCD temporary employee is not the same as a freelance interpreter.

While working for Maricopa, there are three main characteristics we find extremely valuable in our interpreters:

1. Loyalty - keeping your commitments and schedule for the whole semester. Requesting subs only in cases of emergency. Documentation is recorded.

2. Flexibility - communicating cancellations/no-shows and being willing to accept various assignments as changes take place.

3. Confidentiality - keeping assigned information confidential, including disclosing the designated campuses within the Maricopa Community Colleges. Collaboration with your team for the designated classes in which you both share is expected. Your semester schedule is considered an assignment; it is expected to be kept confidential. Please reference the RID CPC.

Code of Professional Conduct (CPC) Interpreters are expected to follow the Code of Professional Conduct set forth by The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID). Any deviation from the CPC by the hourly employee may jeopardize future employment.

Administrative Procedures - Effective July 1, 2014, MCCCD will allow each temporary employee to work a maximum of 25 hours per week.

Prior to Interpreting – You must submit a “Human Resources Referral Form”. This form is to be prepared and signed by your designated supervisor. Before assignments can be assigned you must submit State License, RID membership card, copies of certifications, and degrees.

Feedback Surveys/Observations – Instructors and students may be asked to complete a feedback survey provided by DRS each semester. Your supervisor or their designate may observe you performing your assignment(s) at any time without giving you notice.

Pay Rates - Interpreters receive a two-hour minimum for assignments under two hours in length; assignments over two hours in length will be rounded to the nearest quarter hour. Back-to-back classes will be grouped as a block assignment. Hourly rates are based on experience, training, and certification. Please see attachment for current pay schedules.

At the supervisor’s discretion, eligibility for time-and-half pay can be granted. An example of a determining factor includes interpreting for two or more consecutive hours for an assignment that requires a team. Refer to the MCC Interpreter’s Handbook for additional guidelines on determining eligibility for additional pay.

HRMS Time System Punch In/Out – You are expected to use the HRMS to punch in and out. Refer to the HRMS procedures in the MCC Interpreter’s Handbook. For the District rules of the HRMS refer District office website in reference to HRMS “Punch In and Out”.

Temporary Employee Expectations

Interpreter Late Arrival and No Shows - Your assignment MAY be reassigned to another interpreter by your supervisor. You are expected to arrive PRIOR to the scheduled start of an assignment. Contact your supervisor by email, text message, or phone if you will be late/absent.

Interpreter Wait Times - Interpreters should wait 15 minutes for each hour the class/lab is scheduled. Five minutes per each additional half hour. Please refer to the MCC Interpreter’s Handbook.

Student Late Arrivals and No Shows - If the student or instructor informs you that the student is not attending class please text/email your supervisor. You may be needed elsewhere. Most importantly, contact your supervisor if your student is late or does not show up for class.

Reporting Class Changes and Cancellations - When there are changes in times, classrooms, or temporary cancellations, please inform the coordinator of interpreting services by emailing the change so you can be reassigned. These scheduling changes can be reported to you by the student or the instructor. Please fill out the schedule change form at the following link:

If an assignment is cancelled, the interpreter is entitled for compensation if he/she was notified within 24 hours or less of the cancellation. For example: you are scheduled to cover a two-day event for a Sat-Sun that cancels on Friday, the hours on Saturday that fall within the 24 hour cancellation will be billable; but not the entire assignment.

Quizzes/Tests/Finals - One interpreter will be assigned for tests/finals. In presentation assignments a team will be required. Contact the Coordinator of Interpreting services for preapproval of two interpreters being placed for the student’s final.

Teamed Assignments – Your supervisor determines when an assignment is teamed. If you accept an assignment without a team; you must notify your supervisor by the third class meeting if you feel a team is required. If a team is not needed on one of the scheduled class days, please ask your supervisor if there are needs elsewhere on campus.

Teaming Etiquette – The support “off” interpreter is expected to remain in the room and fully attentive to the interpreting task. Both interpreters should attend the full class session and be aware of the needs of his/her team at all times.

Cell Phone Use - Interpreters may leave their cell phones visible in event there is a message from the Interpreter Coordinator/Supervisor, but they should not be actively using their cell phones while in class.

Staying After Class - If the instructor requests the student to stay after class for a meeting, the interpreter is expected to stay up to 10 minutes unless he/she has another class immediately following. After 10 minutes, the student needs to make other arrangements with the instructor and the DRS office.

Dress/Badges – Use professional discretion when determining appropriate clothing. An interpreter’s attire should match the environment or job assignment. Interpreters can wear their MCCCD badge or the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing badge.

Career Work Experience (CWE) IPP Student Observer/Mentees – CWE Student Observers are required to contact the Coordinator of Interpreting Services/Supervisor for observation opportunities. Mentoring is encouraged and welcomed on the MCC campus. Mentors are expected to contact the Coordinator of Interpreter Services prior to Preparation Program mentees enter the classroom. Mentees are approved by the supervisor, the deaf and instructors.

Interpreter Services
Arizona State Licensure -
Sign Language Interpreters are required to have a State License granted by Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. It is the responsibility of the interpreter to provide a copy to your supervisor annually.