Preferred Countries

Contact the Program Advisor

Dr. Brian Dille

Model UN Program Advisor
P: 480-461-7065
Office: SC 14 - Room: 7
[email protected]

The following are preferred countries that remain after the initial round of country selection. Note there are tabs for the World Press and Crisis committee positions.

  • The green countries are high priorities, as they have seats on the Security Council and ICJ that must be filled for the simulation to work. Each school will be assigned a single green country.
  • Countries in bold have 5 or more delegates and are eligible for the best country award if fully staffed. Non-bold countries are small countries on few committees that are not eligible for the best country award.

The country request should list desired countries in rank order. If a county you have selected has already been picked, I will move to the next country down on your list. Be sure to include how many delegates you expect to bring so I can know how many countries you need assigned.

The crisis committee is not tied to countries, so request individuals listed on that committee tab. Each school can have a maximum of two delegates in the crisis committee.

For a full list of assigned countries, see the committee page. You can request countries not on this list after most of the countries on the list are taken and essential committees are filled.

Fill out the Country Request Form to be obtain your country assignments. Country selection begins August 23rd, the form can be filled out prior to then. Forms sent after the 23rd will receive assignments from remaining unassigned countries. Refer to the list below to see available countries if submitting a late request.