Music Majors Core Classes
- MTC 105 Music Theory I (depending on placement exam)
*Before enrolling in your first Theory course, please take the music theory placement exam to ensure your proper placement in the MTC101 or MTC105 Theory course. - MTC 106 Aural Perception I (co-requisite with music theory, students taking Theory I should take AP I in the same semester)
- MUP 131 Piano I
- Music Performance Class (see below for choral, instrumental or music theater)
- Private Instruction (see link to the left to register)
- MTC180 Computer Literacy for Musicians (recommended)
Music Theatre
- MUP 217 Music Theatre Broadway Solos
- MUP 270AA Musical Theatre Workshop – audition required
- MUP 273 Musical Theatre Production – audition required
- MUP218 37407 Audition Techniques: Music Theater
Choral/Vocal Performance
- MUP 153 Concert Choir – required for vocal/choral majors - seating auditions during first week of classes
- MUP 182 22804 Chamber Singers (TR 1:30pm) – Audition Required
- MUP 250AA Survey of Diction for Singers (English)
- MUE 111 Guitar Methods
- MUE 207 Woodwind Methods II – Double Reed
- MUP 159 Community Orchestra
- MUP 162 Band - required for instrumental majors
- MUP 163 Jazz Ensemble and/or MUP183 Jazz Combo - required for jazz majors
- MUP 185 Flute Choir
- Other music education classes may include: MUE High Brass, Low Brass, Woodwind I, Percussion and Conducting
- Contact [email protected] for updated information