Extracurriculars & Partnerships

Educators Rising Club

All MCC education majors are EdRising Club members, and participation in meetings and activities are encouraged but not required. Socialize with other education majors, get professional advice from guest speakers on education topics, connect personally with your MCC instructors, and take advantage of great résumé opportunities for service and leadership. Participation in EdRising meetings and events might count for extra credit in education courses – check with your instructor. To get involved, check out the club's Facebook page, or contact faculty advisor [email protected].

Educators Rising Google Group

All MCC education majors are required to sign up for EdRising Google Group (FEC-MCC) to receive and post emails on important events, advisement updates, university transfer tips, and scholarship and job opportunities for future teachers. Your education instructors can provide students the steps to join this private professional group.

MCC Educators Academy

For community members working in or exploring the P-12 teaching field, these FREE workshops at Mesa Community College’s Southern & Dobson campus promote effective practices for working with children as well as inspire a greater enthusiasm for teaching.


This alliance was formed to promote positive and seamless experiences for Maricopa Community County College District students who transfer to Arizona State University. Partnership strategies have been designed to significantly increase the number of students who complete a community college degree, transfer to and persist at the university, and graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Benefits to students include:

  • Guaranteed admission to ASU degree programs.
  • Cost-effective pathway ensuring that all of your courses transfer and apply to your ASU degree.
  • Transfer support and pre-enrollment services by ASU transfer staff who visit your community college.

For more information and to sign up, visit https://admission.asu.edu/transfer/maricopa

NAU 2+2 Programs

Although Northern Arizona University’s main campus is located in Flagstaff, through NAU’s extended campuses elementary and special education teacher certification bachelor’s degrees can be completed right here in the Valley of the Sun! These programs are dubbed “2+2” because NAU offers only the junior and senior level courses here, so students need to complete their freshman and sophomore years at the community college first. For more information, visit http://extended.nau.edu

Connect2NAU Program

Enrolling in the Connect2NAU program is easy and it comes with the following great benefits. Contact [email protected] or 480-461-7984 to meet with an NAU representative at MCC to get on board.

  1. You'll be able to earn your NAU bachelor's degree without leaving your community
  2. You'll receive guidance and support from a Connect2NAU coordinator located on your community college campus
  3. You'll have the best value for your money - a quality education at a great price
  4. You'll gain access to NAU resources - an NAU ID card, email account and use of NAU's Cline library and scholarship opportunities

Arizona Teachers Academy Transfer Scholarships to State Universities

ATA provides incentives to increase recruitment & retention of AZ teachers. It was announced in 2017 by Governor Ducey - LINK

  • ASU - LINK For most P-12 teacher certification programs; Covers tuition and mandatory fees after student has accepted all other non-loan aid
  • NAU (extended campuses included) - LINK For Elementary Education or Special Education; Covers tuition and fee costs after all other grants and scholarships have been applied
  • UA - LINK For post-baccalaureate students only.