Automotive Advisory Committee

An Invitation to Collaborate

Strong justification exists for the establishment of a local Advisory Committee. Local advisory committees provide the means for a vocational education curriculum to remain relevant to business and industry needs.

Relevance of instruction is the school's assurance that graduates will be capable of performing entry-level job skills. Advisory committee members who become familiar with vocational education programs, and are themselves employed in the field as well as being potential employers of graduates, have a unique perspective of a training program.

They can provide an informed viewpoint that is invaluable to the educational process.

Local advisory committees create partnerships between vocational education programs and the industries and communities they serve.

Citizens are involved in the operation of their schools and school personnel are better able to understand the needs of the occupations being served.

Local advisory committees promote public awareness of vocational education programs. Community members are given the opportunity to become familiar with all the programs offered by schools.

Both formally and informally, advisory members communicate the operation of vocational education programs to others in the community.

Bryce W Bond, Automotive Instructor
Mesa Community College
[email protected]