Past Due Payment Plan Option

If you have a past term balance and you cannot pay in full, you now have an opportunity to make payment arrangements with our new Past Due Payment Plans!

Enroll in a Past Due Payment Plan Now!!!

If you enroll in a past due payment plan, please be aware college services are not available at Maricopa Community Colleges until your account balance is paid in full or meet other criteria for services (enrollment in classes, etc.). Without a payment plan, when your account reaches 180 days past due, the debt may be referred to the State of Arizona Department of Revenue* or a Collection Agency.

For more information regarding your outstanding balance or to pay online, log into your Student Center. For additional information please contact us at [email protected] or call 480-731-8800 .

* The State of Arizona Department of Revenue may withhold tax refunds to pay Maricopa Community Colleges debts that reach 180 days past due.