What is Advisement and how can you help me?

Advisors assist students with selecting a program of study, enrolling in the proper coursework, find appropriate campus resources to ensure academic success, and help achieve educational goals. It is recommended that students see advising once a semester to make sure they are on track for their goals.

Our expert academic advisors can assist you with:

  • Academic Advising Support - Create a success plan to improve your GPA, set goals, and learn about different campus support services
  • Apply for Graduation - Confirm all graduation requirements have been met
  • Consortium Agreements - Confirm course taken will apply to program
  • Create/Update Education Plan - Assistance with course selection
  • Degree Progress Check - Review what requirements need to be met in order to graduate
  • Explore and Select Major/Career Path - Help with picking a program or Field of Interest
  • Maximum Time Frame - Verify what courses need to be taken to fulfill program requirements when doing a Maximum Time Frame Appeal for financial aid
  • New Student Advising - New Students assigned to an Advisor will meet with their advisor to create a personalized plan
  • University Transfer Options - Explore transfer options include MAPPS at ASU, TAPs at NAU, and the U of A Bridge program
How do I change my program of study?
Follow the steps in this video and printable guide to change your program. Note: All program changes are effective the semester following the date the program was changed.
When and how do I apply to ASU, NAU, or UA?
It is recommended that you apply to ASU, NAU, or UA one year in advance. Once accepted, visit your program of interest's website for additional admission requirements. View our Transferring website.
How do I send my Official Transcripts from other colleges or universities to MCC for evaluation?

You are required to contact your previous colleges (including other Maricopa Community Colleges) or universities to have your Official Transcripts sent directly to Mesa Community College’s Admissions & Records office for official evaluation if you are seeking a degree or certificate from Mesa Community College.

The address is:

Mesa Community College
Attn: Admissions & Records
1833 W. Southern Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85202

Admissions & Records, not Advisement, will evaluate your Official Transcript and answer all questions regarding your transcripts. Contact Admissions & Records at [email protected].

Note: Admissions & Records will not accept hand carried Official Transcripts in sealed envelope.

How do I send my transcripts to another university?
Go to the Request Transcripts page.
Where are you located?
Advising is located in different buildings at the Southern & Dobson campus as many of our advisors are housed in Academic Departments in their Field of Interest. For general advising at Southern and Dobson, we are located in Building 39. At the Red Mountain campus, advising is in RDM M. Advising is also available virtually through chat and email as well as video and telephone appointments.
How do I sign up to see a representative from a university?
Visit this link and click on your desired University to find the contact information for your representative to schedule an appointment.
How can I see what classes are equivalent at Mesa Community College and the state Universities?
AZ Transfer offers several transfer tools including equivalencies guides. Visit MCC Transfer Tools to determine which courses will transfer to ASU, NAU, and U of A. It is recommended you meet with an advisor to determine the best courses that align with your degree at MCC and the degree at your chosen University.
Where can I find out what classes I should take?
Your courses will be determined by your program and which University you plan to attend after graduation (if applicable). You can review the Pathway Maps we offer to show the term-by-term recommendations for each program.
Visit the Degrees and Certificates page to see all the Pathway Maps at MCC.
Can an Advisor tell me what classes will transfer to an out-of-state school?
MCC Advisors can advise to Arizona public universities, BYU, and schools who have established articulation agreements with MCCCD. See that list of schools here. If the school you would like to attend does not have an articulation agreement with MCCCD, you will need to contact that school's admissions/advising office directly.
If you are transferring to an out-of-state school that does not have an articulation agreement, we recommend you verify with that school directly what will transfer.
I would like to apply for graduation from MCC. Where can I apply?
To apply for your Associate's degree from MCC, simply fill out your graduation application on the Steps to Graduation page. Once you fill out an application, and advisor will connect with you via email to provide you a status update on your application.
What is my catalog year?
Students' catalog year is what determine's their graduation requirements as the curriculum is updated frequently. It is based on the time of their enrollment or the time they changed their program officially in the system. Students must update to the most recent catalog year if they have been absent from taking courses for more than 3 consecutive semesters. Please note that the Summer semester counts to maintain a catalog year, but will not count as the 3rd term that requires them to update their catalog year.