MCC Geography Professor Niccole Cerveny, Ph.D., Contributes Rock Art Expertise to Sustainable Cultural Heritage Project in Jordan
Published Thursday, October 12, 2017The Mesa Chamber of Commerce reports on Mesa Community College geography professor Niccole Cerveny, an expert on rock decay and rock art stability, participated in a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Project in the Wadi Rum Protected Area, one of the major tourist attractions in Jordan. MCC Geography Professor Niccole Cerveny, Ph.D.pdf
MCC Geography Professor Niccole Cerveny, Ph.D., Contributes Rock Art Expertise to Sustainable Cultural Heritage Project in Jordan
Published Thursday, October 12, 2017Mesa Chamber of Commerce reported on Mesa Community College geography professor Niccole Cerveny's sharing of her expertise in rock decay and rock art stability during a recent U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Project in the Wadi Rum Protected Area, in Jordan. Mesa Chamber of Commerce article 10-12-17
Mesa Community College student awarded $1,500 scholarship
Published Thursday, October 12, 2017Mesa Community College student, Thomas Carlisle, is the recipient of a $1,500 Robert Greenberg Scholarship awarded by the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) to pursue an education in broadcast engineering and technology. Mesa Community College student awarded $1,500 scholarship _ Arizona Business Daily.pdf
Coverage: MCC Professor Andrew Holycross Leads Rattlesnake Distribution Research Team
Published Tuesday, October 10, 2017The Mesa Chamber of Commerce reports on Mesa Community College professor Andrew Holycross, who received a $50,000 grant from the Coronado National Forest (U.S Forest Service) to study the threatened New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake in Arizona’s Peloncillo Mountains. Arizona Business Daily reports on a Mesa Community College faculty member has received a $50,000 grant from the Coronado National Forest for the study of a threatened species of rattlesnake. MCC Professor Andrew Holycross Leads...
MCC Professor Andrew Holycross Leads Rattlesnake Distribution Research Team
Published Tuesday, October 10, 2017Mesa Chamber of Commerce reports on Mesa Community College Red Mountain Campus faculty Andrew Holycross receiving a $50,000 grant from the Coronado National Forest (U.S Forest Service) to study the threatened New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake in Arizona’s Peloncillo Mountains. Mesa Chamber of Commerce article -- 10-10-2017
New Media Lab Experience at MCC Incorporates Many Disciplines
Published Wednesday, October 4, reports that the New Media Lab Experience at MCC offers students the opportunity to learn a wide range of skills that incorporate elements of many disciplines, like English composition, to create multimedia projects. MCC President Sasan Poureetezadi and instructor Eddie Webb are interviewed. Media Lab My News Mesa.pdf
MCC professor's 3-D scans of deep-sea fish enriches free educational resource
Published Tuesday, October 3, 2017The Mesa Chamber of Commerce released a press release reporting that MCC life science professor Alex Cheroske traveled to Friday Harbor Laboratories on an island about 60 miles north of Seattle to assist University of Washington professor Adam Summers in his quest to complete computerized tomography (CT) scans of all known species of fish. MCC professor's 3-D scans of deep-sea fish enriches free educational resource - Mesa Chamber of Commerce, AZ.pdf
MCC Instructor comments on the Superstition Mountain in Phoenix
Published Thursday, September 28, 2017Phoenix New Times reports on the Superstition Mountains in Phoenix. Journalist and MCC Instructor Nadine Arroyo Rodriguez comments on the mountains and Latino tradition within them. Superstitious PHX_ Best of Phoenix 2017 Explores Luck and Lore _ Phoenix New Times.pdf
Celebrate Hispanic heritage with events at MCC
Published Tuesday, September 26, 2017AZ Central reports on several events and activities happening around the valley to celebrate Hispanic heritage, MCC being one of the places. Somos Peoria, Hispanic Heritage Festival and Margarita Mojito Festival.pdf
DACA recipients preparing to lose coverage
Published Tuesday, September 26, 2017DACA recipients in the Phoenix area are filling out applications to extend their coverage, but they know they may end up undocumented once again.