Christina Court

Christina Court
Associate in Applied Science, Early Learning & Development
Graduation Year: 
Grad Finds her Creative Niche at MCC
Originally published Spring 2017 in Graduation Success Stories

Creativity is important to Mesa Community College graduate Christina Court. As an elementary education major, she knows that all children learn through different methods, so as a teacher, she plans to use creativity in her lesson plans.

Court said she found a wonderful niche of creative thinkers and mentors amongst her professors at MCC. Those teachers include education professors Tawn Hauptli and Beth Alsen, plus mathematics professor Michelle Mazzucco.

Court, 21, described herself as a bit shy and uncertain of her goals when she entered MCC. Through Hauptli, she became involved in the Future Educator's Club, eventually serving as president of the club.

“I found a whole group of people like me and it progressed,” Court said. “Hauptli took us to conferences in California and Boston. I had never traveled anywhere until then.”

Court was impressed with Mazzucco's ability to teach math through hands-on activities that included Pi Day and pumpkin carving.

“Pi Day was just so much fun, and I had the best day that day,” Court said.

Rounding out the group was Alsen.

“She’s the craziest person, but I loved her,” Court said. “She had a great book on how to get all types of students learning and participating. She still texts me and has offered to help me set up my classroom when I start teaching.”

Court originally entered MCC on the recommendations of her high school teachers at McClintock High School and her father, who attended MCC. She said she was “terrified” about finding money for college, but by searching for “scholarships” on the MCC website and with some help from the Financial Aid Department, she found out about Pell Grants and also qualified for the Gary Filan Scholarship.

“The Gary Filan Scholarship helped me the most,” Court said. “I wouldn’t be here without it.”

What’s next for Court? She plans to transfer to Arizona State University and earn her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. She is excited to begin her career.

“I think teaching is an important career because you have the ability to change someone’s life,” Court said. “It’s always a different adventure every day and there are many surprises. I don’t see myself in any other career.”