Lucas Bodine, New ASMCC President

Lucas BodineLucas Bodine Mesa Community College student Lucas Bodine will serve as the 2013-14 President for the Associated Students of Mesa Community College. ASMCC works to advance the needs and interest of all students by promoting and maintaining a democratic form of student government by uniting students, faculty, staff and administration.

Lucas comes from a family with strong ties to MCC. His parents, five siblings and their spouses began their college experience at the college.

“I have a unique appreciation for the impact of community college,” Lucas said. “Being involved in and supporting our community is a core value for my family. What I discovered is that Mesa Community College was and continues to be a support for each one of us.”

Lucas is working toward earning an Associate of Science at MCC and plans to transfer to ASU Kinesiology to become a physical therapist.

Lucas is the recipient of the 2013 Academics in Action Award, a three-time recipient of the Choir Talent Scholarship and a two-time recipient of the MCC Service Scholarship. He was chosen for the Student Spotlight of the Month by the Center for Service-Learning and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. He enjoys running, hiking, singing and volunteer work.


This fall, ASMCC will focus on three specific goals:

  • Improve ASMCC presence on campus
  • Give more support to established ASMCC institutions
  • Provide more educationally-driven engagement opportunities for students.

There are two positions in the ASMCC cabinet available and five positions in the student court available.

To contact Lucas, email [email protected] or call 480.461.7278.