Impossible Revives 8 x 10 Instant Film Gallery
Published Tuesday, August 28, 2012Neil Winter, photo lab tech at MCC, has his photography featured in this New York exhibit. Link contains nude photos.
Mesa Construction Boom Defining Future
Published Tuesday, August 28, 2012From one end to the other -- and at many points in between -- Mesa is enjoying a construction boom that will help define how the city looks and functions for decades, including the Harkins Theatre remodel.
New MCC Provost Talks Economic Recovery
Published Monday, August 27, 2012New Mesa Community College provost Patrick Burkhart's professional life has been marked by a string of reinventions. Photo slideshow of Red Mountain:
Brewer Bars Public Benefits for Illegal Immigrants
Published Thursday, August 16, 2012Brewer's order, issued late in the day, reiterates that state agencies are required to deny licenses and other public benefits (including in-state tuition) to all undocumented immigrants, even those who gain approval under President Barack Obama's new "deferred action" program.
Drivers Ticketed by Red Light Camera in Mesa at Confusing Intersection
Published Thursday, August 16, 2012The intersection of Southern and Dobson snags 3,500 drivers each year.
MCCCD Rolls Out New Learning Management System at 8 Colleges Coverage
Published Tuesday, August 14, 2012Following the successful implementation of a new Learning Management System (LMS) at Mesa Community College, the Maricopa Community Colleges have announced a schedule to make available the new LMS at eight more colleges at the start of the fall semester.
New Ahwatukee Pastor Has Deep Roots in Valley
Published Saturday, August 11, 2012Desert Foothills United Methodist Church in Ahwatukee welcomed a new pastor last month, the Rev. Dr. Mike Kerr-Osman, who attended MCC.
Groundbreaking Performing Arts Center Coverage
Published Friday, August 10, 2012Groundbreaking for performing arts center, new art gallery. Front page Tribune: Independent: Aug. 17, 2012, Mesa Independent, Video of Sledge-Hammer Groundbreaking Ceremony Wrangler News:
Desert Echoes Flute Project Performs at National Convention
Published Sunday, August 5, 2012The Desert Echoes Flute Project, a choir program sponsored by the Mesa Community College Music Department, is taking its show on the road! DEF Project was recently selected to perform at the National Flute Association Convention taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada August 9 - 12, 2012.
Mesa Counts on College Awards Grants - Coverage
Published Sunday, August 5, 2012Mesa Counts on College, an initiative funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, announced this week three projects that will receive money to increased post-secondary completion among Mesa’s youth. The selected proposals, which total $19,000 in funding, were submitted by Chicanos Por La Causa, the Mesa Community Action Network and Randy Payne of the Dobson High School’s counseling staff. http://www.msnbc.msn....